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 1. The New Yorker  Stonewall Plus Forty: Hendrik Hertzberg on Obama and gay rights.  The New Yorker Comment Podcast 
 2. Glen Ford  Obama's Hypocritical Ploys on Human Rights and Racism  Black Agenda Radio Commentaries 
 3. Gard Goldsmith  Liberty Conspiracy - 5-26-09 Obama, Cheney, and Bush on 'Detainees', A Music Tax?, Renters' Bill of 'Rights'?  libertyconspiracy's Podcast 
 4. Program narration:Denise Manzari~Segment producers:Melinda Tuhus~Executive Producer:Scott Harris~Music:Mikata  BETWEEN THE LINES Mike Wishnie, Prof of Law, with the Yale Workers and Immigrant Rights Advocacy Clinic Obama's Immigration Policies Producer: Melinda Tuhus   
 5. Radio Rouge  Interview d'Hendrik � Avignon  Interview militantes 
 6. Carl  Forty Days and Forty Nights  Chant Practice 
 7. Carl  Forty Days and Forty Nights   
 8. Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles  Flashpoint Stonewall  Flashpoint/Stonewall 
 9. Henry Cabot Lodge and Theodore Roosevelt  18 - The Death of Stonewall Jackson  Hero Tales From American History 
 10. Henry Cabot Lodge and Theodore Roosevelt  18 - The Death of Stonewall Jackson  Hero Tales From American History 
 11. BBC Radio 2  Stonewall: The Riots That Triggered the Gay Revolution 30 06 2009  Stonewall: The Riots That Triggered the Gay Revolution 
 12. Mitchell M. Gans, Bridget J. Crawford, Jonathan G. Blattmachr  Postmortem Rights of Publicity: The Federal Estate Tax Consequences of New State-Law Property Rights  Yale University 
 13. Phillip Molly Malone  Molly's Monday Machinations - 7/10 have won the TV rights and who gets Internet rights  Molly's Monday Machinations - AFL 
 14. Shami Chakrabarti; Jonathan Cooper; Professor Conor Gearty; Baroness Helena Kennedy QC; Professor Francesca Klug; Professor Peter Townsend  Human Rights Day Event: The Right of Rights 1948-2008  LSE Public Lectures and Events 
 15. Chris Future  THINKfuture 682 - Voting Starts - Moderator In The Tank For Obama - Obama Hates Girl Scouts  THINKfuture Radio Show 
 16. Hosted By Lee The Cool Guy!  Issues Under Fire: Billery Buffalos Obama,Auto Execs On The Public Tit & Al Qaeda Hates Obama   
 17. Guiesseppe Jones  Obama And Afghanistan; Obama And The Second Coming Of Clintonia - November 6, 2008   
 18. Chris Future  THINKfuture 576 - April Fools - Obama Is A Girly Man - Global Warming a Giant Cash Scam - Hillary Testing Obama  2008-04-02 
 19. Election Unspun - June 19  Obama Surrogate Hopes Obama Endorses new New Deal   
 20. Murray N. Rothbard  15. Human Rights as Property Rights  The Ethics of Liberty 
 21. Harold Koh  Realizing the Promise of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Examining the First 60 Years and Beyond - Keynote Address - The Politics of Implementation: The Role of Human Rights in Foreign Poli  Washington College of Law 
 22. Joanne Bauer  The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre and the Importance of Human Rights Policies  Carnegie Council Program 
 23. Yoshiko Dart  The New UN Disability Rights Convention: Building Support in the United States for Ratification and Implementation - Closing Remarks / From the ADA to the UN Disability Rights Convention  Washington College of Law 
 24. Bob Enyart  Please say 'Rights,' not 'Constitutional Rights'  BEL Oct 2005 
 25. Echo Voodoo  Forty Five Below   
 26. Iain M Barker  Forty-Two   
 27. Erik Karlsson  Forty-Something  Forty-Something 
 28. Echo Voodoo  Forty Five Below   
 29. Denise James  Forty men  Denise James 
 30. Open Grave Culture  Three Forty-Five  Self-titled 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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